Through the trials…

Sometimes we face things that are hard, too hard to bear.  We think “why am I going through this?  What have I done that’s so wrong?  Why hasn’t God released me from this?”  We need to be thankful for the trials we go through, for God will never lead you anywhere that will destroy you.  He always makes a way out; and He always provides everything we need.  We needn’t be scared of the trials, but thankful for them.  It’s through the trials that we become better people.  Not only are we stronger on the other side, but we’re more knowledgeable, and our relationship with the Father will have grown.  If we learn not to fight the trial but to ask for God’s help and guidance through the trial instead, it actually doesn’t end up seeming like such a long, hard journey.  We can truly hear God in the difficult times, and the revelations that come in the end are too wonderful to ignore.  We are better able to navigate this world and help people with the knowledge we gain from our tribulations, and that’s a very good thing.

So if you’re going through something today that seems impossible, that seems like you can’t take it anymore…  you don’t have to weather it alone.  Ask God to reveal to you WHY He is bringing you through this trial, and what He wants you to learn from it.  You will see a definite improvement in the situation and be a better person for it.